Natural Remedies for White Teeth

As we know the remedies to whiten teeth are not at all cost, and in most cases either natural or ecological. Suffice it to say that even different toothpastes in them may contain components of animal origin! Nevertheless, no woman, even if it follows a vegan lifestyle and chooses only cruelty-free cosmetics, wants the teeth tend to yellow. Even in this case, however, there comes to meet the nature, thanks to several natural remedies that will allow us to have a bright smile and dazzling without having to resort to other systems. Using these natural remedies to get white teeth, before long you will eventually get a dazzling smile.

Baking Soda

One of the most popular remedies in the world to whiten your teeth and just baking soda. We all have it in our homes, we use it to cook, to clean, to leaven cakes, and also to whiten teeth. To whiten your teeth with this particular sale, you have to put in a coffee cup or in a small container a teaspoon of baking soda and a teaspoon of water.

Mix everything is you will get a paste that can be applied on the teeth. Apply it on the entire dentition and let stand for five minutes, trying not to take it with her tongue. After she has done, rinse your teeth and wash them. You will see now a truly amazing improvement. Finally, if in addition to getting whiter teeth you also want to have a scented breath, you can add the essential oil blend of mint or fresh minced mint.


A medicinal plantand aromatic,this famous for oral care, is the sage. Sage is easy to find and if you want you can also cultivate at home in a small jar. To use sage to whiten your teeth you have to take a few leaves and rub on the teeth, after which you can sciacquarti and brush your teeth normally. In just minutes you can see that the plaque is diminished and the teeth appear whiter and cleaner. To make the best of salvia action on the teeth,as well as wipe can also use it to create an herbal tea, which not only make your teeth whiter, but will also help to fight bad breath.

Apple Vinegar

Apple vinegar has many beneficial properties for the body,but in this case we can use to make our products more white and shiny teeth. In this case you may want to make several rinses with vinegar, after which you can brush your teeth with your own toothpaste.

Strawberries and oranges to whiten teeth

Two fruits that certainly did not think to find in this list are definitely strawberries and oranges. Strawberries tend to dye the mouth, hands, skin, yet can be used to remove stains and yellowing of the teeth. The fact strawberry is rich in malic acid ideal for whitening teeth. To use strawberries as a bleaching can simply eat them! In contrast, the orange must not eat to whiten your teeth, but you have to take the white part of the peel and rub on the teeth and gums with a circular motion.